August 14-17, 2025 Sheraton at Bradley Airport Windsor Locks, CT
Delegates and Elections
Each Kiwanis Club in good standing is entitled to three (3) voting delegates, one of whom should be the club president, and three (3) alternate delegates. In order to register your Kiwanis Club’s delegates, your club secretary needs to submit the delegate form below. The form may be mailed or emailed to District Secretary Judy Barrett by August 8, 2025.
Delegates will elect a District Governor and Governor-elect for the 2025-2026 Kiwanis Year and vote on amendments that have been brought forward to the House of Delegates.
District Convention
106th Annual District Convention
August 14-17, 2025
Sheraton at Bradley Airport
Windsor Locks, CT
Delegates and Elections
Each Kiwanis Club in good standing is entitled to three (3) voting delegates, one of whom should be the club president, and three (3) alternate delegates. In order to register your Kiwanis Club’s delegates, your club secretary needs to submit the delegate form below. The form may be mailed or emailed to District Secretary Judy Barrett by August 8, 2025.
Delegates will elect a District Governor and Governor-elect for the 2025-2026 Kiwanis Year and vote on amendments that have been brought forward to the House of Delegates.
Candidate for Governor
Adam Wright, Kiwanis Club of Westfield, MA
Declared Candidate(s) for Governor-elect
Leleath Bailey, Kiwanis Club of Hamilton, Bermuda
Proposed Bylaw Amendments
None proposed.