The District Publication Award is designed to recognize and honor those Kiwanis clubs in the New England & Bermuda District that produce high-quality communication materials on a regular basis. The communications sent out are meant to provide an effective relay for the club, its members, and their local community in an effort to share Kiwanis News and grow our outreach. This includes but is not limited to a club newsletter, emails, blog and website posts.
To be eligible for this award, a club must be in good standing with both international and the district.
Club officers shall compile this award entry for the administrative year being submitted.
A digital form will be released prior to the district convention where clubs will be able to submit their materials. All materials are due by August 4th, 2023.
First, Second, and Third place awards will be presented only if suitable applications are received.
Failure to comply with award criteria will result in disqualification.
All decisions of the district editor are final.
The club must have created at least five (5) publications to be eligible. Each publication should be from a different month. This includes but is not limited to club newsletters. Some clubs may currently be sending out an email, blog or website post in place of a formal newsletter (or publication) and those forms of “high-quality” communications may be accepted in place of a newsletter.
All phases of the publication, except for the professional services required for printing (if applicable), must have been performed by a Kiwanis member or members who are in good standing with the district and International. Non-Kiwanis members may act only in an advisory capacity.
The club newsletters or publications may only include events that happened between September 1, 2022 and August 1, 2023.
JUDGING: (Points will be entered in by the district editor; Please use the below criteria to understand the rules of judging.)
General Appearance
Layout (consistent, neat, easy to read)
10 points
Brand Guide (creative, professional)
10 points
Use of images (photos & clip art)
10 points
Originality (unique, fun, thematic)
10 points
Conciseness (short, to the point)
10 points
Preferred Charities/Service Partners
10 points
Club building
10 points
Recruitment and retention
10 points
Kiwanis Family
10 points
Kiwanis Foundation
10 points
Calendar of events (and international, district, division)
10 points
BONUS: Send out more than 5 Monthly Publications (6+)
District Publication Award
The District Publication Award is designed to recognize and honor those Kiwanis clubs in the New England & Bermuda District that produce high-quality communication materials on a regular basis. The communications sent out are meant to provide an effective relay for the club, its members, and their local community in an effort to share Kiwanis News and grow our outreach. This includes but is not limited to a club newsletter, emails, blog and website posts.
(Points will be entered in by the district editor; Please use the below criteria to understand the rules of judging.)
General Appearance
Latest Posts