An Inter-club meeting is one where your club members attend a regular meeting or official Kiwanis event of another Kiwanis Club, Circle K Club, Key Club, Aktion Club, Builders Club or K-Kids. This includes virtual club meetings. If a Kiwanis member, and the Kiwanis Advisor (advisor must also be a Kiwanis member), or two Kiwanis members, visit one of the Kiwanis Club’s SLPs, that counts as an inter-club no matter the club size. An Inter-club also includes any Club Installation, Division Meeting, District Conference/Convention, or International Convention. If 2 club members attend the Governors Visit in Bermuda, this will also count as an inter-club no matter the club size. Excluded are any events whereby there is not a specific Host club (ex. cruises unless the sitting Governor expressly appoints a Host club for the trip).
For clubs with a membership of twenty (20) or fewer members, a minimum of two (2) members in attendance will be required to constitute an Inter-club meeting.
For clubs with a membership of twenty-one (21) to thirty (30) members, a minimum of three (3) members in attendance will be required to constitute an Inter-club meeting.
For clubs with a membership of thirty-one (31) or more members, a minimum of four (4) members in attendance will be required to constitute an Inter-club meeting.
All Inter-clubs MUST be reported on the online monthly report. Reports must contain the date of the Inter-club, # of club members attending (Oct 1st will be used to determine of actual club members), and what club(s) was (were) visited. Please add the NEDK Inter-club Chair’s email address to the distribution list for your monthly report: [email protected].
Clubs MAY NOT use the Division Lt. Governor, or a Past LTG as a “wild card” to complete an Inter-club (a lieutenant governor can only be included if he/she is a member of the participating club).
The Host club for any meeting does not get credit for an Inter-club.
Inter-club Awards (2023-2024)
1. Division Early Bird Award
The Division Early Bird Award is awarded to the Kiwanis Club with the most inter-club visits within their Division between October 1, 2023, and January 31, 2023. This will be awarded at the Mid-Winter Conference.
2. Division Award
The Division Award is awarded to Kiwanis Clubs that have visited all the Kiwanis Clubs within their Division between October 1, 2023 and June 30, 2024. If your Division has more than eight (8) clubs then you must visit at least eight (8) of them. In addition, your club must visit a minimum of one (1) Service Leadership Program for each SLP your club sponsors.
3. District Award
The District Award is awarded to the top three (3) Kiwanis clubs in their membership category with the most inter-clubs between October 1, 2023 and June 30, 2024. Minimum entry to qualify is two (2) inter-clubs.
Category 1: White Division – 15 members or fewer Category 2: Yellow Division – 16 to 25 members Category 3: Emerald Division – 26 to 45 members Category 4: Red Division – 46 to 60 members Category 5: Blue Division – 61-75 members Category 6: Gold Division – 76 or more members
4. Governor’s Award
The Governor’s Award is awarded to the top 5 Kiwanis clubs with the most inter-clubs. Inter-clubs must include inter-clubs at two out of the following three events: District Convention, Mid-Winter Conference, and International Convention.
5. Kiwanis Family Award
The Kiwanis Family Award is awarded to one (1) club in each Division that has the most inter-clubs with Circle K, Key Club, Aktion Club, Builders Club, and K-Kids Clubs between October 1, 2023 and June 30, 2024. Two or more Kiwanis club members attending an SLP meeting counts as an inter-club, regardless of Kiwanis club size.
6. Governor’s Distinguish Award
The Governor’s Distinguish Award is awarded to the top three Kiwanis clubs with the most members attending inter-clubs.
7. Governor’s Excellence Award
The Governor’s Excellence Award is awarded to the Kiwanis club with 100% inter-clubs within their Division, the most inter-clubs with clubs outside of their Division, and inter-clubs at District Convention, Mid-Winter Conference, and International Convention.
Inter-club Meetings
Inter-club Definitions
An Inter-club meeting is one where your club members attend a regular meeting or official Kiwanis event of another Kiwanis Club, Circle K Club, Key Club, Aktion Club, Builders Club or K-Kids. This includes virtual club meetings. If a Kiwanis member, and the Kiwanis Advisor (advisor must also be a Kiwanis member), or two Kiwanis members, visit one of the Kiwanis Club’s SLPs, that counts as an inter-club no matter the club size. An Inter-club also includes any Club Installation, Division Meeting, District Conference/Convention, or International Convention. If 2 club members attend the Governors Visit in Bermuda, this will also count as an inter-club no matter the club size. Excluded are any events whereby there is not a specific Host club (ex. cruises unless the sitting Governor expressly appoints a Host club for the trip).
For clubs with a membership of twenty (20) or fewer members, a minimum of two (2) members in attendance will be required to constitute an Inter-club meeting.
For clubs with a membership of twenty-one (21) to thirty (30) members, a minimum of three (3) members in attendance will be required to constitute an Inter-club meeting.
For clubs with a membership of thirty-one (31) or more members, a minimum of four (4) members in attendance will be required to constitute an Inter-club meeting.
All Inter-clubs MUST be reported on the online monthly report. Reports must contain the date of the Inter-club, # of club members attending (Oct 1st will be used to determine of actual club members), and what club(s) was (were) visited. Please add the NEDK Inter-club Chair’s email address to the distribution list for your monthly report: [email protected].
Clubs MAY NOT use the Division Lt. Governor, or a Past LTG as a “wild card” to complete an Inter-club (a lieutenant governor can only be included if he/she is a member of the participating club).
The Host club for any meeting does not get credit for an Inter-club.
Inter-club Awards (2023-2024)
1. Division Early Bird Award
The Division Early Bird Award is awarded to the Kiwanis Club with the most inter-club visits within their Division between October 1, 2023, and January 31, 2023. This will be awarded at the Mid-Winter Conference.
2. Division Award
The Division Award is awarded to Kiwanis Clubs that have visited all the Kiwanis Clubs within their Division between October 1, 2023 and June 30, 2024. If your Division has more than eight (8) clubs then you must visit at least eight (8) of them. In addition, your club must visit a minimum of one (1) Service Leadership Program for each SLP your club sponsors.
3. District Award
The District Award is awarded to the top three (3) Kiwanis clubs in their membership category with the most inter-clubs between October 1, 2023 and June 30, 2024. Minimum entry to qualify is two (2) inter-clubs.
Category 1: White Division – 15 members or fewer
Category 2: Yellow Division – 16 to 25 members
Category 3: Emerald Division – 26 to 45 members
Category 4: Red Division – 46 to 60 members
Category 5: Blue Division – 61-75 members
Category 6: Gold Division – 76 or more members
4. Governor’s Award
The Governor’s Award is awarded to the top 5 Kiwanis clubs with the most inter-clubs. Inter-clubs must include inter-clubs at two out of the following three events: District Convention, Mid-Winter Conference, and International Convention.
5. Kiwanis Family Award
The Kiwanis Family Award is awarded to one (1) club in each Division that has the most inter-clubs with Circle K, Key Club, Aktion Club, Builders Club, and K-Kids Clubs between October 1, 2023 and June 30, 2024. Two or more Kiwanis club members attending an SLP meeting counts as an inter-club, regardless of Kiwanis club size.
6. Governor’s Distinguish Award
The Governor’s Distinguish Award is awarded to the top three Kiwanis clubs with the most members attending inter-clubs.
7. Governor’s Excellence Award
The Governor’s Excellence Award is awarded to the Kiwanis club with 100% inter-clubs within their Division, the most inter-clubs with clubs outside of their Division, and inter-clubs at District Convention, Mid-Winter Conference, and International Convention.