Club Recognition 2018-2019

Please keep in mind that there are a few programs to recognize the amazing work you did over the 2018-2019 Kiwanis year. 

Kiwanis International Awards:

Distinguished Member
Please complete and submit the form below by NOVEMBER 30, 2019
To be eligible for these award, you must complete the entry form online here.
Award items will mail for each distinguished member in bulk to the 2019-20 club president in December.

Distinguished Club
Please complete and submit the form below by NOVEMBER 30, 2019.
To be eligible for these award, you must complete the entry form online here.

New England and Bermuda District Awards:

Club of the Year
ENTRY FORM DUE BY OCTOBER 15, 2019. Download the entry form (DOC)
The Kiwanis Club of the Year will be recognized at Fall Training Conference in North Conway, New Hampshire, November 22-24, 2019.

Distinguished Kiwanis Member
To be a Distinguished member in our District this year, you can either sponsor 2 new members to join any Kiwanis club OR you can complete 18 documented hours of community service between October 2018 and September 2019.
Complete the entry form online here. Distinguished Kiwanis members will be recognized at Fall Training Conference in North Conway, New Hampshire, November 22-24, 2019.

District Inter-Club Award
To be eligible for the District Inter-Club Award, you must complete the entry form online.

An Inter-Club meeting is where your club members attend a regular meeting or official Kiwanis event of another Kiwanis Club, Circle K Club, Key Club, Aktion Club, Builders Club or K-Kids.  If a club member and the Kiwanis Advisor, or any two club members visit one of the SLPs, that counts as an Inter-Club. An Inter-Club also includes any club installation, division meeting, district conference/convention or international convention. 
You can win any of the following awards for your work during the 2018-2019 Kiwanis year:

  • District Inter-Club Award 
  • Governor’s Award
  • Kiwanis Family Award

NOTE: Please note the change for 2018-2019: all information must be entered in this online submission form after September 30, 2019. Winners will be recognized at Fall Training Conference in North Conway, New Hampshire, November 22-24, 2019.
